Jared Schwartzer

Program in Neuroscience and Behavior
Department of Psychology & Education
Mount Holyoke College
50 College Street, South Hadley, MA 01075
Phone: (413) 538-2843


Ph.D. Psychology-Behavioral Neuroscience
Department of Psychology, Northeastern University

M.A. Teaching (Certification for Massachusetts Licensure)
School of Education, Northeastern University

B.S. Psychology, Summa Cum Laude
Department of Psychology, Northeastern University



2020 - Present
Associate Professor 
Program in Neuroscience and Behavior
Department of Psychology & Education - Mount Holyoke College

2020 - Present
Associate Member
Neuroscience & Behavior Graduate Program - University of Massachusetts, Amherst

2016 - 2020
Assistant Professor
Program in Neuroscience and Behavior
Department of Psychology & Education - Mount Holyoke College

2013 - 2016
Visiting Assistant Professor
Program in Neuroscience and Behavior
Department of Psychology & Education - Mount Holyoke College

Postdoctoral Scholar – Department of Neurological Surgery
School of Medicine, University of California, Davis

2012 - 2013
Adjunct Lecturer – Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences 
School of Medicine, University of California, Davis

2011 - 2013
NIMH Postdoctoral Fellow - M.I.N.D. Institute
School of Medicine, University of California, Davis

2007 - 2011
Graduate Associate - Department of Psychology
Northeastern University

2007 - 2011
Teaching Assistant - Department of Psychology
Northeastern University

2005 - 2007
Research Assistant - Department of Psychology
Northeastern University



Principle Investigator – National Institutes of Health
Maternal Interleukin-4 and allergic asthma in mouse offspring behavioral deficits
2024 - 2027     NIMH – R15 MH119500-A2

Principle Investigator – National Institutes of Health
Gene-Environment Interaction and Immune Hypersensitivity in Developmental Outcomes Relevant to Autism Spectrum Disorders
2019 - 2022     NIMH – R15 MH119500

Co- Investigator – National Science Foundation
Major Research Instrumentation: Acquisition of integrated laser scanning/spinning disk confocal microscope system to advance multidisciplinary research and training at Mount Holyoke
2018 - 2021     DBI – 1827945

Principle Investigator – National Institutes of Health
Mouse model of maternal allergic asthma and offspring autism-like behavioral deficits
2015 - 2018     NICHD – R15 HD082638

Postdoctoral Training Fellowship - National Institutes of Health
Interdisciplinary Training for Autism Research
2011 - 2013    NIMH - T32 MH073124                   



Journals (peer-reviewed)

J.J. Schwartzer, J.S. Church, J.N. Russo*, S. Ragoonaden* (2024) Offspring behavioral outcomes following maternal allergic asthma in the IL-4-deficient mouse. Journal of Neuroimmunology. Volume 390, 578341

J.M. Tamayo, H.C. Osman, J.J. Schwartzer, P. Ashwood (2024) The Influence of Asthma on Neurodevelopment and Neuroinflammation: From Epidemiology to Basic models Brain, Behavior, & Immunity. Volume 116, 218-228

L.G. Anderson*, E. Vogiatzoglou, S. Tang*, S. Luiz*, T. Duque, J.P. Ghaly, J.J. Schwartzer, J. B. Hales, M. Sabariego (2024) Memory Deficits and Hippocampal Cytokine Expression in a Rat Model of ADHD, Brain Behavior Immunity. Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health. Volume 35, 100700

J.M. Tamayo, H.C. Osman, J.J. Schwartzer, K.E. Pinkerton, P. Ashwood (2023) Characterizing the Neuroimmune Environment of Offspring in a Novel Model of Maternal Allergic Asthma and Particulate Matter Exposure. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 20, 252

J.S. Church, M.L. Renzelman*, J.J. Schwartzer (2022) Ten-week high fat and high sugar diets in mice alter gut-brain axis cytokines in a sex- dependent manner. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry.  Vol 100: 108903

J.J. Schwartzer , D. Garcia-Arocena, A. Jamal, A. Izadi, R. Willemson, R.F. Berman (2021) Allopregnanolone improves locomotor activity and arousal in the aged CGG knock-in mouse model of FXTAS. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 15:752973

J.S. Church, J.M. Tamayo, P. Ashwood, J.J. Schwartzer (2021) Repeated allergic asthma in early versus late pregnancy differentially impacts offspring brain and behavior development. Brain Behavior and Immunity. Vol 93:66-79 

J.S. Church, F. Chase-Donahue*, J.L. Blum, J.R. Ratner, J.T. Zelikoff, J.J. Schwartzer (2020) Gestational exposure to e-cigarette aerosols in mice induces hyperactivity and regional neuroinflammation in adult offspring in a sex-dependent manner. Environmental Health Perspectives. Vol. 128, No. 4 

H.J. Wenzel, K.D. Murray, S.N. Haify, M.R. Hunsaker,  J.J. Schwartzer, K. Kim, A. R. LaSpada, B.L. Sopher, P.J. Hagerman, C. Raske, L. Severijnen, R. Willemsen. R.K. Hukema, R.F. Berman (2019) Astroglial-targeted expression of the Fragile X CGG repeat premutation in mice yields RAN translation, motor deficits and possible evidence for cell-to-cell propagation of FXTAS pathology. Acta Neuropathologica Communications7:27

J.S. Church, P.B. Tijerina, F.J. Emerson*, M.A. Coburn*, J.L. Blum, J.T. Zelikoff, J.J. Schwartzer (2018) Perinatal exposure to concentrated ambient particulates results in autism-like behavioral deficits in adult mice. NeruoToxicology. 65:231-240

J.J. Schwartzer, M. Careaga, Coburn M.A., D.R. Rose, H.K. Hughes, P. Ashwood (2017) Behavioral impact of maternal allergic-asthma in two genetically distinct mouse strains. Brain, Behavior & Immunity. 63:99-107

J.J. Schwartzer, C.E. Onore, D.R. Rose, P. Ashwood (2017) C57BL/6J bone marrow increases sociability in BTBR T+ Itpr3tf/J Mice. Brain, Behavior & Immunity.  59:55-61

J.J. Schwartzer, M. Careaga, C. Chang*, C.E. Onore, P. Ashwood (2015) Allergic fetal priming leads to developmental, behavioral, and neurobiological changes in mice. Translational Psychiatry. 5, e543

M. Careaga, J.J. Schwartzer, P. Ashwood. (2015) Inflammatory profiles in the BTBR mouse: How relevant are they to Autism Spectrum Disorders? Brain, Behavior & Immunity. 43:11-6

C.E. Onore, J.J. Schwartzer, M. Careaga, R.F. Berman, P. Ashwood. (2014)  Maternal immune activation leads to activated inflammatory macrophages in offspring. Brain, Behavior & Immunity. 38:220-6 

C. Giulivi, E. Napoli, J.J. Schwartzer, M. Careaga, P. Ashwood (2013) Gestational exposure to a viral mimic results in long lasting changes in mitochondrial substrate oxidation by white cells from offspring. Mediators of Inflammation. Vol. 2013, Article ID 609602

C.E. Onore, M. Careaga, B.A. Babineau, J.J. Schwartzer, R.F. Berman, P. Ashwood. (2013)  Inflammatory Macrophage Phenotype in BTBR T+tf/J Mice. Frontiers in Neuroendocrine Science.  7:158

J.J. Schwartzer,  L.A. Ricci, R.H. Melloni, Jr. (2013) Prior fighting experience alters fighting ability in Syrian hamsters: Implications for a role of dopamine in the establishment of dominance. Aggressive Behavior. 39(4):290-300

J.J. Schwartzer, M. Careaga, C.E. Onore, J.A. Rushakoff*, R.F. Berman, P. Ashwood (2013) Maternal immune activation and strain specific interactions in the development of autism-like behaviors in mice. Translational Psychiatry. 3:e240

J.J. Schwartzer, C.M. Koenig, R.F. Berman (2013) Using mouse models of autism spectrum disorders to study the neurotoxicology of gene-environment interactions. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 36:17-35

J.J. Schwartzer, R.H. Melloni, Jr. (2010) Dopamine activity in the lateral anterior hypothalamus modulates AAS-induced aggrssion through D2 but not D5 receptors. Behavioral Neuroscience. 124(5):645-55

J.J. Schwartzer, R.H. Melloni, Jr. (2010) Anterior hypothalamic dopamine D2 receptors modulate adolescent AAS-induced offensive aggression. Behavioural Pharmacology. 21(4):314-22

M. Carrillo, L.A. Ricci, J.J. Schwartzer, R.H. Melloni, Jr. (2010) Immunohistochemical characterization of 5-HT3A receptors in the Syrian hamster forebrain. Brain Research. 1329:67-81

J.J. Schwartzer, L.A. Ricci, R.H. Melloni, Jr. (2009) Interactions between the dopaminergic and GABAergic neural systems in the lateral anterior hypothalamus of aggressive AAS-treated hamsters. Behavioral Brain Research. 203(1):15-22.

J.J. Schwartzer, R.L. Morrison, L.A. Ricci, R.H. Melloni, Jr. (2009) Paliperidone suppresses the development of the aggressive phenotype in a developmentally sensitive animal model of escalated aggression. Psychopharmacology. 203:653-663          

J.J. Schwartzer, L.A. Ricci, R.H. Melloni, Jr. (2009) Adolescent anabolic androgenic steroid exposure alters lateral anterior  hypothalamic serotonin-2A receptors in aggressive male hamsters. Behavioural Brain Research. 199: 257-262 

L.A. Ricci, J.J. Schwartzer, R.H. Melloni, Jr. (2009) Alterations in the anterior hypothalamic dopamine system in aggressive adolescent AAS-treated hamsters. Hormones and Behavior. 55: 348-355

J.J. Schwartzer, D.F. Connor, R. Morrison, L.A. Ricci, R.H. Melloni, Jr. (2008) Repeated risperidone administration during puberty prevents the generation of the aggressive phenotype in a developmentally immature animal model of escalated aggression. Physiology and Behavior. 95: 176-181


Book Chapters

M.R. Hunsaker, J.J. Schwartzer, R.F. Berman (2014). Mouse models of Fragile X Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome. In M. LeDoux, (Ed), Movement Disorders: Genetics and Models, Second Edition. (pp. 641-654) Waltham, MA: Academic Press.


Conference Abstracts

S. Ragoonaden*, L. Drabek*, J.J. Schwartzer (2023) Maternal Allergic Asthma and IL-4 signaling alter offspring behavior and neurodevelopment. Presented at Northeast Undergraduate Research Organization for Neuroscience, North Haven, CT. April 23, 2023

S. Luiz*, G.Gagnon, L*. Anderson*, P. Yang*, L Kang*, T. Wen*, J.J. Schwartzer, M. Sabariego. (2023) Pro-inflammatory cytokines and working memory deficits in a rat model of ADHD. Presented at Northeast Undergraduate Research Organization for Neuroscience, North Haven, CT. April 23, 2023

H. Cline*, K. Benway*, M. Tanguay*, K. Scott-McDowell*, J.J. Schwartzer, K. McMenmimen (2023) Development of a novel immunoassay for multiplex detection of heat shock proteins using xMAP technology. Presented at American Chemical Society. Presented at the American Chemical Society, Indianapolis, IN, March 27, 2023

J.N. Russo*, S. Ragoonaden, J.J. Schwartzer, J.S. Church (2022) Western diet combined with stress impairs memory in male mice and exacerbates depressive-like behavior in both sexes. Presented at Northeast Undergraduate Research Organization for Neuroscience, North Haven, CT. April 24, 2022

L.A. Adrian*, R. Rojas Martinez*, J.J. Schwartzer, J.S. Church (2020) High-fat diet alters anxiety-like behavior and increase body mass without affecting brain cytokines in mice. Presented at Northeast Undergraduate Research Organization for Neuroscience, February 23, 2020

K. Rojas Martinez*, L.A. Adrian*, J.J. Schwartzer, J.S. Church (2020) High-sugar diet decreases proinflammatory brain cytokines, alters locomotor activity, and decreases body mass in mice. Presented at Northeast Undergraduate Research Organization for Neuroscience, February 23, 2020F. Chace Donahue*, A. Kazakova*., J.S. Church, J.L. Blum, J.R. Ratner, J.T. Zelikoff, J.J. Schwartzer (2019) Developmental consequence of prenatal electronic cigarette aerosol exposure on offspring brahvior and neuroinflammation. Presented at Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL. October23, 2019. 

R.B. Goodier*, J.S. Church, J.J. Schwartzer(2019) Prenatal exposure to e-cigarette nicotine vapors precipitates behavioral abnormalities in mice.Presented atNortheast Undergraduate Research Organization for Neuroscience, February 24,  2019

K.A. Ouimette*, J.S. Church, J.J. Schwartzer(2018) ASD-like Behaviors in Male Offspring Exposed to Maternal Allegic Asthma During Early Gestation. Presented atNortheast Undergraduate Research Organization for Neuroscience, February 24,  2019

J.J. Schwartzer, J.S. Church, (2018) Behavioral and neuroimmunological consequences of maternal allergic asthma. Presented atInternational Behavioral Neuroscience Society, Boca Raton, FLJune 27-July 2, 2018

F.L. Chace-Donahue*, R.B. Goodier*,  J.S. Church, J.J. Schwartzer(2018) Mast cell localization in a mouse model of Autsim Spectrum Disorders. Presented atNortheast Undergraduate Research Organization for Neuroscience, February 25,  2018

M.L. Berkowitz-Cerasano*, J.S. Church, J.J. Schwartzer(2018) ASD-like Behavioral Responses to Allergic Asthma: A model of the Double Hit Hypothesis. Presented atNortheast Undergraduate Research Organization for Neuroscience, February 25, 2018

R.B. Goodier*, F.L. Chace-Donahue*, J.S. Church, J.J. Schwartzer(2018) Prenatal oxidative stress in a maternal allergic asthma mouse model of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Presented atNortheast Undergraduate Research Organization for Neuroscience, February 25, 2018

 H.K. Hughes, D.R. Rose, H.T. Yang, M. Careaga, J.J. Schwartzer, P. Ashwood (2017). Maternal allergic asthma during gestation leads to elevated inflammatory cytokines in the fetal brain. International Meeting for Autism Research, San Francisco, CA. May 10-13, 2017

P.B. Tijerina, Y.Q. Ma, D. Lauterstein, M.A. Coburn*, F.J. Emerson*, J.J. Schwartzer, L.C. Chen, J.T. Zelikoff (2016) Gene by environment interactions in a maternal allergic c asthma model of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Society of Toxicology, Baltimore, MD. March 12-16, 2017

F.J. Emerson,* M. Berkowitz-Cerasano*, J.J. Schwartzer (2016) Gene by environment interactions in a maternal allergic c asthma model of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA. November 12-16, 2016

M.A. Cobrun*, Megan E. Johnson*, P.B. Tijerina, J.T. Zelikoff, J.J. Schwartzer (2016) ASD-like behavioral deficits inamouse model of gestationl exposure to Concentrate Ambient Particulate Matter. Society for Neuroscience, San Deigo, CA. November 12-16, 2016

J.J. Schwartzer, M. Careaga, C. Chang, C.E. Onore, P. Ashwood (2015) Developmental, behavioral, and neurobiological consequences of maternal allergic asthma: A mouse model in support of clinical findings. To be presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, May 13-16, 2015

J. J. Schwartzer, K. O. Suen, K.A. Gill, P. Nanda, L. A. Altomare, R. D. Sanchez (2014) Maternal immune activation and juvenile social motivation in mice. Society for Neuroscience, #2250, November 15-19, 2014

C.E. Onore, J.J. Schwartzer, M. Careaga, R.F. Berman, P. Ashwood (2014) Maternal Immune Activation leads to activated inflammatory macrophages in offspring. Presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research,  May 14-17, 2014

K.A. Gill, R. D. Sanchez, K.O. Suen, J.J. Schwartzer. (2014) Reduced social modivation in juvenile BTBR T+ tf/J mice: Implications for a mouse model of social reward deficits in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Presented at Northeast Undergraduate Research Organization for Neuroscience, February 23,  2014

J.J. Schwartzer, E.T. Doisy, D. Garcia-Arocena, A.L. Jamal, C.C. Chang, L.C. Brochard, A.R. Laman-Maharg, R.F. Berman (2013) Allopregnanolone reduces behavioral deficits in a CGG knock-in mouse model of Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome. Presented at Society for Neuroscience, #63.18, November 9-13, 2013

R.F. Berman, J.J. Schwartzer, C.C. Chang, L.C. Brouchard, R. Willemsen (2013) Effects of allopregnanolone treatment on CGG KI mice motor performance, anxiety and cognitive function. Presented at International Conference on the FMR1 Premutation: Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Involvement.

C.C. Chang, J.J. Schwartzer, R.F. Berman (2013) Effects of Allopregnanolone on behavior in a mouse model exhibiting deficits of Fragile-X associated tremor/ataxia syndrome. Presented at the UC Davis Undergraduate Research Conference. 

C.E. Onore, M. Careaga, B.A. Babineau, J.J. Schwartzer , R.F. Berman, P. Ashwood. (2013) BTBR T+ tf/J mice exhibit an inflammatory macrophage cytokine profile with associations to repetitive grooming behavior. Presented at International Meeting for Autism Research

Y.T. Cheng, J.J. SchwartzerR.F. Berman (2012) Autistic-like behavior testing and stereological counting of basolateral amygdala neuron numbers in C57 and BTBR mice. Presented at the Interdisciplinary Research Internship Symposium

J.J. Schwartzer, M. Careaga, P. Ashwood, R.F. Berman (2012) Investigation of vocalization and play behavior in juvenile offspring of maternal immune activated female mice. Presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research

J.A. Rushakoff, J.J. Schwartzer, P. Ashwood, R.F. Berman (2012) Maternal immune activation alters ultrasonic vocalizations in BTBR and C57Bl/6J mice. Presented at UC Davis Undergraduate Research Conference

T.M. Noyon, M. Careaga, J.J. Schwartzer, R.F. Berman, P. Ashwood, (2012) Maternal exposure to PolyI:C and its influence on immune function and behavior in offspring of exposed C57Bl/6J mice. Presented at UC Davis Undergraduate Research Conference.

J.J. Schwartzer, R. H. Melloni, Jr. (2010) The anterior hypothalamic dopamine system modulates adolescent AAS-induced aggression through D2 but not D5 receptor. Presented at International Society for Research on Aggression

J.J. Schwartzer, R.H. Melloni, Jr. (2010) Integrating dopamine, serotonin, and GABA neural systems in the lateral anterior hypothalamus of aggressive adolescent AAS-treated Syrian hamsters. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. 40, #168.13

J.J. Schwartzer, S. Marsh, L.A. Ricci, R.H. Melloni, Jr. (2009) Paliperidone blocks the offensive aggressive behavior in adolescent hamsters. Presented at Northeastern University Research & Scholarship Expo

S. Marsh, J.J. Schwartzer, R. H. Melloni, Jr. (2009) Anabolic androgenic steroids-induced effects on serotonergic and GABAergic neural systems in the lateral anterior hypothalamus of male Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). Presented at Northeastern University Research & Scholarship Expo

L. M. Reynolds, J. J. Schwartzer, R. H. Melloni, Jr. (2009) The role of dopamine D5 receptors in the LAH of aggressive adolescent AAS treated hamsters. The Journal of Young Investigators.

J.J. Schwartzer, R.L. Morrison, L.A. Ricci, R.H. Melloni, Jr. (2008) Acute and repeated exposure to paliperidone blocks the offensive aggressive behavior of the adolescent hamster. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. 38, #864.7

L.A. Ricci, J.J. Schwartzer, R.H. Melloni, Jr. (2008) Adolescent anabolic steroids alter 5HT2A localization in hamster brain. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. 34, #279.18

J.J. Schwartzer, L.A. Ricci, R.H. Melloni, Jr. (2007) Alterations in anterior hypothalamic dopamine and dopamine D2 receptor immunoreactivity correlates wit aggression in adolescent, anabolic androgenic steroid treated hamsters. Presented at Northeastern University Research & Scholarship Expo

J.J. Schwartzer, L.A. Ricci, D.F. Connor, R. Morrison, R.H. Melloni, Jr. (2006) Risperidone exerts potent             anti-aggressive effects in a developmentally immature animal model of escalated aggression. Presented at Northeastern University Research & Scholarship Expo

J.J. Schwartzer, L.A. Ricci, D.F. Connor, R. Morrison, R.H. Melloni, Jr. (2006) Risperidone prevents the phenotypic expression of adolescent cocaine-induced offensive aggression in the Syrian hamster: a developmental neuropharmacological analysis. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. 36, 198.1



Meribeth E. Cameron Faculty Award for Scholarship - Mount Holyoke College, 2022
Excellence in Postdoctoral Research
(Finalist) – University of California, Davis. 2013
Lagerspetz Award – International Society for Research on Aggression. 2010
Excellence in Student Research – Northeastern University. 2007
Faculty Scholar Award – Behavioral Neuroscience, Northeastern University, 2007



Mount Holyoke College

Clinical Neuroscience
Laboratory in Behavioral Neuroscience 


University of California, Davis                         

Seminar: Sex, Drugs & Psychopaths 


Northeastern University

Foundations of Psychology (Teaching Assistant)
Statistics in Psychology (Teaching Assistant)
Psychobiology (Teaching Assistant)
Clinical Neuroscience (Guest Lecturer)
Biological Basis of Mental Illness (Guest Lecturer)



The Immune System During Pregnancy: How the first nine months shapes the rest of your life,” September 26, 2023
Neuroscience and Behavior Graduate Program, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA

“What a mouse can tell us about neurodevelopment and brain-immune links,” February 22, 2022
Western New England University, Springfield, MA

“Neurodevelopmental impacts of the immune system on mouse behavior,” April 15, 2020,
Neuroscience and Behavior Seminar Series, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA

“What a mouse can tell us about Autism and other brain-immune links,”October 30, 2017,
SciTech Cafe, Union Station, Northampton, MA

“Asthma, Air Pollution, and Autism: Connecting missing links with the help of a mouse,”October 5, 2017
Western New England University, Springfield, MA

"Neuroimmune Interactions and its Implications for Neurodevelopmental Disorders," October 3, 2016,
Mary Elizabeth Diskason King '47, M.D. Annual Lecture Series in the Life Science: Smith College, Northampton, MA

"Faster, Better Data: Using Automated Systems to Quantify Behavior,” February 28, 2016,
 NEURON Conference, Quinnipiac University, North Haven, CT

“Assessing Complex Social Processes in a Mouse Model of Neurodevelopmental Disorders,” April 7, 2015
Ethovision User’s Meeting, Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA

“Maternal Allergic Asthma and its Implications for Autism Spectrum Disorder,” April 2, 2015
Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut

“Autism Spectrum Disorders: Moving from Correlation to Causation,” December 12, 2014
Department of Psychology, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY

“Environmental influences on the development of social behavior,” April 17, 2013
Neuroscience and Behavior Group, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA

“Modeling child neuropsychiatric disorders from aggression to autism,” January 29, 2013
Department of Psychology, Randolph-Macon College, Ashland, VA

Dopamine, Androgens, & the Aggression Circuit: A window into Adolescent Development,” October 9, 2012
Biological Psychology Seminar Series, University of California, Davis, CA

Modeling Environmental Impacts on Brain & Behavior Development,” October 7, 2011
MIND Institute Research Seminar Series, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, MIND Institute 

Agonistic Social Encounters in Adolescent Development: Behavioral & Neurobiological Correlates,” January 21, 2011
Department of Neurological Surgery, University of California, Davis, CA